Dear Brother Knight,
For over 140 years, Knights of Columbus has been committed to serving those in need while strengthening our commitment to the Church’s teachings. Today, Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund provides a tool for charitable giving that ensures our generosity aligns with our Catholic values so we can continue to strengthen this commitment. As Catholics, we want to make the most of every dollar that we give. Through potential tax savings and fund growth, KCCF can help you give more to the causes you care about.
WATCH HERE to see how one brother Knight makes an impact through KCCF.
KCCF inspires donors to be “cheerful givers” as St. Paul explained in his second letter to the Corinthians: “Each must do as already determined, without sadness, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7). Now is the time to consider what your charitable legacy will be. A donor-advised fund, like the Charitable Fund at KCCF, provides you and your family a wonderful opportunity to make a difference and to build a legacy across generations.
Start this new year by opening an account with KCCF and begin building your charitable legacy.
Open An Account
For Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund General Inquiries,
please contact us at:
Telephone: 1-833-877-0728
Email: [email protected]
Council meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Taylor.