We hope here you will find beautiful worship and authentic, Catholic community.
Welcome! We're so glad you're here. Here are some first steps:
1. Join us! Register as a parishioner.Our adult bible study meets Tuesday mornings and Thursdays evenings in the PMC. All are invited to join. Call Deacon David at 512-422-9033 for information.
Introducing a women's weekly gathering to study and pray together. Come to the well and be renewed. There are two sessions: Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings.
Sign up for our Flocknote above and choose which session you'd like to join to be added to our email list and receive updates.
Do you play an instrument or sing? We would love for you to lend your gifts to our music ministry. Contact our music director Luciano at Luciano.laurentiustmarystaylor.org
Looking for another way to get involved? There's also our many service ministries, join the Catholic Daughters, our St Anne's Altar Society, or Knights of Columbus to serve our parish and local community.
St Vincent de Paul serves as our main outreach to those in need in the Taylor community. They are always in need of volunteers. Contact Teresa at 512-352-2453
Want to learn more about our mission to educate for wisdom and virtue, centered on Christ, in the Classical Catholic tradition?Contact [email protected] to learn more.
Want to learn more about our Pk3-5th Catechesis programs or 6th-12th grades Youth Ministry for your children?
Interested in helping with our youth by becoming a Catechist or Mentor for Youth Ministry? This is a great way to give back AND find community. Contact our faith formation office today!
[email protected]
We are always in need of more trained Lectors, Ushers, Eucharistic Ministers, Homebound Ministers, Altar Servers.
Contact the parish office to ask about the next training. Or fill out the interest form.
Like crafting and working with your hands? Want to serve others? Join our prayer shawl ministry. Reach out to Jane Schwarz at 214-649-1953 or [email protected] for the latest details and information.
Can you help with livestreaming the Mass on Sundays? It's easy, we can teach you! Or fill out the interest form.